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书名 拉丁名 页码
Annales botanices systematicae.4 Abelmoschus 308 在线阅读
Annuaire du Conservatoire et du jardin botaniques de Genève.v. 20 (1916-1918) Abelmoschus 162 在线阅读
Annuaire du Conservatoire et du jardin botaniques de Genève.v. 4-5 (1900-1901) Abelmoschus 178 在线阅读
Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analysts and students engaged in the morphological and phys Abelmoschus 434 在线阅读
Bulletins de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique. t. 4 (1865) Abelmoschus 261 在线阅读
C. E. Hobbs Botanical hand-book of common local, English, botanical and pharmacopial names arranged in alphabetical order, of most of the crude vegetable drugs, etc., in common use. Especially designed as a reference book for druggists and apothecaries. Abelmoschus 149 在线阅读
Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo, con la correspondencia científica y la indicacion abreviada de los usos é igualmente de la familia à que pertenece cada planta. Complemento del Cu Abelmoschus 211 在线阅读
Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder.Jahrg. 7, Abt. 2 (1879) Abelmoschus 809 在线阅读
The American botanist and florist: including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union. Abelmoschus 62 在线阅读
The journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku kiyo. Rika.v. 12 (1898-1900) Abelmoschus 338 在线阅读